Bunny Bot

The discord bot with everything you will need

About image
When I use discord and add a bot to my server I always find something missing in the bot. Sometimes it's fun games, sometimes music, or sometimes things that make life easy. Because of this issue, I would end up having many bots in my server. To fix this problem I coded my own bot; The Bunny Bot. The Bunny Bot includes every single things you would nee in a discord bot. From playing any song, to playing tic-tac-toe with your friends. The Bunny Bot has over 30 commands, and some automatic features. These automatic features are deleting banned words, and deleting discord invites to other servers. Now, you will only need one bot in your discord server. 

If you need help with the Bunny Bot either email me, dm me on discord (Cyborg Bunny#3299), or join the support server https://discord.gg/NBwhX2VMPS